Oleh : Yasnimar Ilyas, Dosen dpk pada STIE Dewantara


In education sector, Total Quality Management is a philosophy about suistanable improvement, that is contribute a practice tool to each educational institution to cover needs, wills and hopes of consumer’s satisfaction. The main word which is involved with Total Quality Management is continuous improvement and quality improvement. Total Quality Management is one of management strategy to response external challenges to cover consumer’s satisfaction.
Fundamentally, Total Quality Management consists of two basic aspects:
1. QualityManagement System-QMS
2. Continuous Quality Improvement-CQI
In case to make implemenatiot management concept, the strategy which is able to implement by educational institution is evaluation to analyze strongness and weakness. Based on that evaluation, the educational institution and all its stakeholder consider and formulate quality target.
The next step is to adjust planning including cost that refers to priority scale and national policy and depend on condition and resources each educational institution. In arranging program, the educational institution must define indicators or quality target. The most important step is monitoring and final evaluation. In monitoring, the implementation of program is compared with the quality target defined before and also with the cost planning. The result of this evaluation can be used to adjust planning in the future. This process is a sustainable process.

Key word: Total Quality Management, ISO 9000, educational institution

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