Oleh :
Desi Harsanti Pinuji 1)
1) Dosen Tetap STIE Dewantara
2) Karyawan PT Tang Mas / alumni STIE Dewantara
The aim of this research is to find out the implementation of delegative style of leadership (variable X) and its relation to working performance of PT. Tang Mas’ employees (variable Y). PT Tang Mas established by Hanjoyo’s family. In a family company, only leaders are allowed to formulate every business strategy and also solution on every problem. So, delegative style of leadership was not common practice.
Result of this research are : (1) Most employees (82% of respondents) agreed that delegative style of leadership has been applied by their managers (2) There is a positive and strong relation between two variables with correlation coefficient 0,82. (3) Variable Y influenced by variable X as much as 66,69% (R square), whereas the rest (33,31%) influenced by other factors.
Key word:
delegative leadership style, effectiveness, family’s corporate management, correlation coefficient, determination coefficient.